Woven of the Wind



Where will you go

Now, little pigeon, pearl white and black jet?

Will you perch on the petals

Of the moon

And peck at tufts of cloud and raindrops?

Will your wings be woven of the wind

And your eyes of starlight hewn?

Will you fly with pigeon angels

To a faraway flowered land

To feathered friends known

Well from feathered dreams?

Where will you go

Now, little one,

Now that the sun has set

And the new moon gleams

Bright through the mist

Over the tall pines?

Will you pass this way someday again

In a sunlit distant springtime?

Will you nod your head to say hello

And walk with happy feet

Among the snow and buttercups?


© Sharon St Joan, written around 1990

Photo: © Aqvamarin / Dreamstime.com

4 thoughts on “Woven of the Wind

  1. I love this! We used to keep homing pigeons when I was young. I always loved ‘talking’ to them. And love that you wrote this sweet tribute to a creature many would consider a pest. All have such a great part in the integral scheme of Creation. Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Bela. I’ve taken care of hundreds of rescued pigeons in my life. They are very sweet birds, always loyal and affectionate to their mates.

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