Poem: Cliffs of snow

raven-silhouette-and-storm-clouds public domain pictures.net



In the beginning


And the ending


And the beginning


Stand unbroken


The chimes of the mists


Of evermore, where the raven,


Black king of prophecy,


Of shining forests,




The rain and the sun,


And awaits


His mate


On the juniper heights,


Hearing the humming croak


Of the frog in the creek


And all the crowds


Of tadpoles


That awoke


In the sands,


In the sparkling rains.




The wise


Long-eared owl


Walks in the snow,


In the midnight of winter,




As she has always done,


Remembering the bubbling lakes of spring


Where crystal flowers flame


In the sunrise,


Where Ganesha’s smile




The fateful dark; where the coyote’s howl


Sings a lullaby, a gentle


Enchantment, laughing, sly.


Where the broken bridge


Of time bends along


The rushing waters of the gorge, transient,




Yet the presence of eternity remains


In the eyes – at once meek


And brave – of the young cottontail.


On a silver-winged hill,


Under a bright cowl of numinous clouds,


The ravens






In the trail


Of the rains


0f a distant day.




The gold feet


Of the setting sun




Over long roads through the juniper trees –


Through the scattered scrub oak.


White cliffs, gateways to eternity,


You who bear the scars


Of rain and winds and storms, who


Give earth blessings,


Who speak silently through


Ancient seas long gone – where you were born,


Through awareness beyond our own,


You talk with the stars


From a far ancient country, long worn




And yet to be again;




You recall the song


Of the mountain bluebird


Who had no name


The song no longer heard,


Sung long ago,


In mystic nights


That left no trace.


Now, after a while,




On a high ridge


The pine tree




Unafraid, in the ice and snow


Singing still,


Under the haunting moon of grace,


A moon of many petals,


Beyond the tides that rise and fall,


On the plateau above, he stands


And writes with fire in the sky


On a clear and wind-swept day.



©Sharon St Joan, 2019



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