



Out of the ashes of the end


Arises the Phoenix.


Who is this Phoenix


Who flies through flashes


Of burning embers,


Who extends


Her black-enchanted wings


From the horizon


To the wind-streaked high plateau,


This one who ever dies,


Yet flies




With golden beak


And brown-laked eyes


That seek


Only those stories, spoken lore,


True and raven-wandering?


Mountain air gleams;


Glittering stars talk


And walk,


And wend their way


Among the hidden crannies of the skies


And know


Where eagles slip through time’s illusion,


Eagles who remember every eon


And recall the wisdom


Of the glad-winged Hamsa


Who hears,


Even now, the dawn-invoking, distant drums


Of long-gone dreams.


After the flames of desecrated towns


Leave strange, fossilized soils,


After the blanched wicks


Of all the candles have been snuffed,


And volcanic plumes fluffed


Aloft in sobering winds,


After the great ending,


The air clears


Of dim, smoke-laden whiffs.


Then Adi Sesha of the thousand, bright-singing,


Emerald crowns,


Older than all the many worlds before,


Older than the trees of time, ever ancient,


Floats again


On the timeless mist


Of eternity,


Lifting, on his linked coils,


The light form of Narayana,




Who slumbers,




Then the Phoenix


Rises through the amethyst




Over the land where lilies still grow


In the backwaters


Not far from the rainbowed sea,


In the rain,


In the truth where only


The innocent curlews, nesting,


Play by the rocky shore


On a gray, moon-bent day


There the waves crash, exuberant,


Against the granite cliffs.



©Sharon St Joan, 2018


Illustration: Phoenix detail from Aberdeen Bestiary, Public Domain, Wikipedia











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